44 items found

Organisations: EOSCPillar Training And Support Tags: Discipline agnostic

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  • Tool

    Taverna Workflow System

    Taverna is an open source and domain-independent Workflow Management System – a suite of tools used to design and execute scientific workflows and aid in-silico...
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    Data Science Ethics

    This course provides a framework to analyze ethics concerns related data science. Learn how to think through the ethics surrounding privacy, data sharing, and algorithmic...
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  • Website

    RDM @ KIT

    Wir unterstützen Sie in allen Phasen des Forschungsdatenmanagements. Das KIT betrachtet den Aufbau von Strukturen zur dauerhaften Bereitstellung qualitätsgesicherter...
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    Private Forschungsdaten-Thüringen

    Thüringer Kompetenznetzwerks Forschungsdatenmanagement (TKFDM). Das TFKDM ist Ansprechpartner für Forschende aller Thüringer Hochschulen im Bereich Forschungsdatenmanagement....
  • Video

    RDM horror stories

    The EPFL Library Team has prepared a 5-episode series about Research Data Management (RDM) horror stories for the occasion of Love Data Week 2020 (10-14 February 2020). The 5...
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    Research data management (RDM) open training materials - Zenodo community

    A Zenodo community where openly accessible online training materials which can be shared and repurposed for RDM training. All contributions in any language are welcome. The...
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  • Guidelines

    The Turing Way

    The Turing Way is an open source community-driven guide to reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science. Their goal is to provide all the information that...
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  • Website


    Forschungsdaten.info is the German-language information portal on research data management (FDM). The site introduces research data management with practical articles. It...
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    The Dataverse Project is an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data. PyDataverse is a Python module for Dataverse. It helps to...
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  • Website

    The DART Project. Using data management plans as a research tool

    The DART project was a three-year National Leadership Grant for Libraries Demonstration Project to facilitate a multi-university study of faculty data management plans (DMPs)....
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  • Guidelines

    Data Management Plan for projects at the University of Vienna

    A template for data management (DMP) plans for projects at the University of Vienna.
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  • Website

    How to FAIR

    A Danish website to guide researchers on making research data more FAIR. The website explains what the FAIR principles are, why they are relevant and how to make data more...
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    DataONE Data Management Skillbuilding Hub

    The Data Management Skillbuilding Hub is a repository for open educational resources regarding data management, meaning that it is a collection of learning resources freely...
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  • Video

    Practical Data Management video tutorials

    The University Library of the University of California, Santa Cruz, has prepared a series of video tutorials covering several aspects of RDM and different phases of the...
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  • Handout

    Data Management Plan - Eine Anleitung zur Erstellung von Data Management Plaenen

    This document is an introduction to writing DMPs including their purpose and goals. The material also covers a checklist for writing DMPs as well as an exemplary DMP.
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  • Tool

    Generalist Repository Comparison Chart

    The General Repository Comparison Chart and FAIRsharing Collection is a tool researchers could use to make decisions about selecting a generic or domain agnostic repository....
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    DMP Use Case Project Collection

    University of Vienna (Open Aire NOAD Austria) has made a collection of H2020 public DMPs available via the Phaidra repository. The content of the DMPs have not been quality...
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    Lawful basis interactive tool

    ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) has produced a lawful basis interactive tool to give tailored guidance on which lawful basis is likely to be most appropriate for your...
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  • Guidelines

    Open Science primers - A Research Data Management Handbook

    The OpenAire Open Science primers introduce different topics related to Open Science. In the RDM Handbook, different topics are covered to explain how data management is...
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  • Guidelines

    Data formats for preservation - What you need to know when creating a DMP

    When starting a new project and creating a Data Management Plan - DMP, one of the first considerations to make should be to decide, in advance, which file formats to use. This...
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