Planning to meet the costs of managing ...


This session aims to offer training resources to adapt to your institutional context, helping researchers to do the following: - Understand why they should budget for the costs of making data FAIR, and keeping it FAIR, and include these costs in grant applications - Appreciate the benefits that services may provide to justify their costs - Know about the different kinds of data management costs, including costs that funding bodies may allow to be charged to projects - Apply a costing guide to help budget for the costs that may arise in preparing data to be FAIR - Share experiences and expectations about costing the preparation of FAIR data

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Last updated May 19, 2021
Created May 19, 2021
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Createdover 3 years ago
package id820495a5-ca87-4cf6-bb0a-092b91717d2d
revision id6352ff81-7161-4361-869d-bebdd5997864